Dashboard how-to’s

Dashboard overview


From preparing for your first session to building your skills using MindTime Tools, you’ll find it in here

Quick Start
  • Get going in a few simple steps
  • Set up a session, invite people, and you’re on your way
My sessions

View, manage, and get the Master Key for your client-facing session

My keys

All of your client keys and session information in one place

Key bank

Key balance, keys used, accounting, and receipts

Your Tools

In your client-facing tools, you have visuals and information to support you in:

  • Discovery and insights that inform and make sense
  • Framing conversations in support of the client’s and session’s goals
  • Layers of information to continue the discovery and adoption of change

Click on the tool you want to use, and enter the Session Master key that you copied from your Session screen in the box, to populate your session data.

Setting up a session using Quick Start

Your dashboard allows you to map individuals, pairs, and teams (or groups). The process is simple and straightforward.

Click on Quick Start to set up a session, and invite participants to take the survey.

  1. Who are you facilitating – Start by selecting the kind of session you want to create, Individual, Pair, or Team?
  2. Give your session a name
  3. Type of team – optional
  4. How many people are in this session? – Enter the number of people in your session (make sure you have enough keys in your bank)
  5. Set a deadline – A good rule of thumb for setting a deadline is to select a date at least 7 days prior to your session. This allows you to send a reminder email to clients who haven’t taken the survey yet and gives you time to prepare for your session.
  6. Adding people – If a client has already taken the survey and has their key, from you or outside your dashboard, insert it in the Has this person got a key? column. Importing and using a key from someone who took the survey, for example, on www.mindtime.com, will cost one key from your key bank, as does having a person take the survey for the first time.

    If your client hasn’t taken the survey, leave the first box empty, and enter their name and email in the second and third boxes provided. If you don’t want to send out survey invitations right away, leave the email field empty as well. You can send out invitations from your session screen at a later point in time.

When you’ve completed all the details in the session setup step, clicking on Create Session will automatically send out invitations to each person. The emails are being sent from contact@mindtime.com. You can review what the email says by clicking on the View email content button. It’s always a good idea to let your participants know that they will be receiving an invite from MindTime. Have them check their spam in case they report not having received the email.

People whose existing keys you’ve added in the first column will not receive an email. Their result is added automatically to your session. If you’d rather send your clients a personalized email, leave the email fields empty and copy each individual key in the session screen (your next stop).

Once you’ve set up your first session, the My Sessions and My Keys screens become populated.

My Sessions

My sessions give you an overview of all your sessions. Click on a session to view the session details and manage the members in that session, look at the results, or send out (reminder) emails.

Manage your session with the Session Screen

You can view the session details, manage members, look at the results, and send out (reminder) emails on the Session Screen.

  1. Deleting your session doesn’t delete the keys
  2. Add a person’s survey result by importing their key
  3. Grab your Session master key to start your client session
  4. Preview the results
  5. Sends either an invite email or a reminder.
  6. Export a .csv of keys for this session
  7. Select members to either send them an invitation (if you haven’t done so yet during Quickstart) or if they missed the deadline and need a reminder. Then click on the button Send survey invite to selected people
  8. Have they taken the survey yet? A date in this column indicates they have. If the field is empty, make sure to send a reminder the day after the deadline.
  9. By highlighting yourself, your dot on the maps in the client-facing tools is shown in red.
  10. You can exchange keys by swapping them here. For example, add Mary to the team while removing Jenn

My Keys

The My Keys screen lists all the keys that have been given out to someone. It shows you whether someone has taken the survey yet, and which sessions they are in. A person can be in multiple sessions. You can add people to or remove them from sessions here.

The My Keys screen also allows you to unassign a key from someone who didn’t take the survey and put it back in your bank so you can assign it to another client.

A key is been considered used when the person whom you invited to take the survey has done so.

Keys that haven’t been assigned to someone yet stay in your bank until you use them through setting up a session using Quick Start.

Adding yourself to a session

You, as the facilitator of your session, can add yourself to a group to visually share your own Thinking Style relative to the group’s.

  1. Click on the My Keys tile
  2. Look for your own key and click on the green + Add to session button
  3. Select the session you want to add yourself to.

Highlighting yourself on the map

  1. Go to your session screen and select yourself in the column called Highlight
  2. Copy your Session Master key

Open the client-facing tool you want to use for your session from the main screen of your dashboard and enter your Session master key in the keyhole box at the top of the page to load the session data.

You will see that your dot now appears highlighted on all maps.

If you are using 22 Golden Minutes: you can see that you are now added at the bottom of the Individual intensity scores chart. Your scores are not included in the group means reflected in the group intensities (top of the chart) and the gold line. Therefore, you can compare your intensities to those of the group without changing the actual group’s mean intensity. Your scores are not calculated in the Culture map.